Welcome Prof. Li Tong from Shenzhen University, China to be Committee Member!

日期:2020-07-15 点击量:  742次


Prof. Li Tong, Shenzhen University, China

Research Area: Intelligent Decision Support System, Business Intelligence, Data Mining etc.

Research Experience:

Professor/Director, College of Management / Institute of Mobile Internet Things Industrialization, Shenzhen University

Main Work and Research Experience:

Microsoft (Hainan) Innovation Center, Consultant, Entrepreneurial Mentor

Institute of Control and Decision, Wuhan University of Technology, Professor

Hong Kong Jockey Club ITDC (Off shore IT R&D Center), Director

Compaq (HP) Scipower E-Commerce R&D Center. Director

Institute of System Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Associate Prof.

Part of Projects:

863-306-404 Meta-Synthesis Macro-Economic Intelligent Decision Support System, National 863 Hi-tech Plans

Research on Macroeconomic Information, Model System and its Function, Major NSF: 79990582

Research on System modeling and Simulation of Evolution Algorithms for Decision Support, NSF: 69674041

China Postdoctoral Foundation.

Guangdong Telecom Unicom Agent System and Business Intelligence.

Hainan SME Information Service Platform.

Hainan Intelligent Transportation.

Nanshan Venture Star Internet Competition Sub Venue Organizer. 

Part of Publications:

Information visualization for intelligent decision support systems[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems

A Customer Retention System Based on the Customer Intelligence for A Telecom Company, Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Information Sciences, 2006, © Atlantis Press , ISBN: 978-90-78677-01-7 (EI, Accession number: 071110486156), Taipei, 2006-10-08-2006-10-11

Decision support system based on computable general equilibrium model, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 2007

An AI Embedded Object-oriented Approach for Formulating Computable General Equilibrium, 1999 meetings of the Society for Computational Economics, June 24-26, 1999, Boston, USA

Part of Academic Services 

Reviewer of Journal IEEE Access (SCI), New Mathematics and Natural Computation, World Scientific, etc.

Program Committee, PAN-PACIFIC CONFERENCE XXVI-Strategic Innovation through Collaboration and Convergence, Pan-Pacific Business Association, June 1-3, 2009, Shenzhen, China.

Chairman, Special Session on CIEF 2008, JCIS-2008, December 22-26,2008, Shenzhen, China

Program Committee, CIEF 2008,7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance, July 21 - 26, 2008, Taiwan